Indian Massage In Kuala Lumpur & Selangor

Indian massage originated 4000 years ago from India normally Indian massage is restricted to head and scalp area to improve blood circulation to the head.  However, this massage has been extended to the shoulder and neck area.

Normally Indian massage is done in a sitting position. Indian massage work on the three areas of energy or chakras.  They are vishuddha, ajna, and sahasrara.  It is believed to be healing in nature, relaxation and also promote vitality

Indian massage normally would be started off with soft music in the background with some candles burning to prepare the room. The massage is normally conducted in a sitting position sometimes massage is search by the men in their visit to their local barber or more elaborate in the new age therapy in center. Normally it would start with the shoulder and slowly work towards the base of the neck area. Lastly the massage of the head and a part small area of the face or forehead.

The benefit  and the beauty of Indian massage are as follows:

  • To relieve the stiffness in the neck
  • To reduce overall stressful emotion such as depression and anxiety
  • Promote the sense of tranquillity and serenity
  • For healthy hair and scalp
  • Deeper and calming breathing
  • Inhibits sleeping disorder by promoting the circulation of cerebral fluid
  • Provides relief from nasal decongestion
  • Help to release the muscle knots at the neck and shoulder level


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Sasha Tan

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10 am - 6pm


33-01, Menara Keck Seng, 203, Jln Bukit Bintang, Bukit Bintang, 55100 Kuala Lumpur

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